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Each home is unique, each client has a world of their own. 
My goal is to create a system that works for the client's way of thinking and operating in the space, one that works with their style and life.

Here are some photos of "before and after", with some details about the process.

These are just a handful of projects, out of dozens.

For more photos and videos, visit my social media accounts! 

Entry-way magic 

This client wanted to start the process here. 

She felt so overwhelmed every time she walked into her home, and it affected her wellbeing. 

We sorted the items and decided if they were staying or going, and if they were staying, where would be the best place for them. 

Total time: 4 hours of work


Office makeover 

This was an intense project! The owner of this office had 20years of papers to sort through, and many needed shredding and filing. We went through it all, creating categories for paper. and creating a new filing system. 

There was so much recycing and shredding! 

The end result made the owner of the office so very happy, she actullay siad it motivated her to go to work! 

Total time: 11.5 hours, over two days


fun hangout space 

This section of the basement became a catch-all for this client's family. It took us time to unpack everything in the room, sort to items, and then give away the ones that were not kept. This was part of an intense decluttering process, where we worked on 90% of the client's home. 

The beauty of long-term projects over 10+ sessions is that it gives the client a chance to truly reassess their priorities, and change habits. 

This photo was taken at the end of the process, once we finished reviewing thousands of items. The results are so satisfying! 

Total time for this room: 10+ hours


BEdroom goals

Your bedroom is your sanctuary. 

Looking at a clear and organized dresser right in front of your bed makes a world of a difference to your well-being.

This session we focused on all clothing (in the dresser and closet not shown), and clearing off the dresser. We sorted the items for ones that are kept and ones for donation. Then we assigned new homes for clothing that were kept so that getting ready in the morning was more smooth and logical. 

Total time: 5 hours 


Toddler closet bliss

This was a pretty easy little project at the end of a session with a client. She was fortunate to get many hand-me-downs for her daughter, but it got to be too much and there wasn't a good system in place. We opened each bag, decided what to keep, and they put back the rest with a system based on the size of clothing in the bag. 

It may not be a huge project, but it makes a huge difference every time you open the closet!

Total time: 1.5 hours 


basement play-area

This client's priority was to create a space where her family could hang out when they host, as well as create an additional playing space for her son. 

It is normal for basements to be catch-all spaces, but that also means they can't be used properly. 

We sorted through all the items and assigned new "zones" in the basement for the various categories. We displayed the toys that were left Montessori style, cubbies with one item each, easy to reach, and put away storage. All are age-appropriate for the client's toddler. She told me later her son was so in love with the space and didn't want to stop playing there! 

Total time: 3 hours 

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